Admin Panel
AI Tools
AI Templates

List of AI Template

Create AI Template

Go to
Or click to AI Templates > AI Templates option from admin sidebar

  • Template Title: Write Template Title for identification
  • Template Description: Write Template Description for describe how its works to the user
  • Template Icon: Use a unique and informative icon
  • Template Preview: Use a unique and informative preview image for cover
  • Template for: Select The Template for who will use it
  • Status: Its for active and inactive status.
  • AI Model: Select AI GPT model for use the template.
  • Input Fields: Add input feilds for user will input those feilds for generate the AI content also the short code will generate based on the inputs.
  • Custom Prompt: In the context of interacting with a language model like me, a "prompt" refers to the input or instruction given to the model to generate a response. For example, when you ask a question or provide a statement, that input serves as a prompt for the model to generate a relevant and coherent reply. customise the prompt with the input shortcut for return best response.